Monday, April 29, 2013


Well yeah, I'm a fashion enthusiast and such and I really admire people who dresses up real good.
And ofcourse, I have a few who I follow and look up to and I keep myself updated of their blogs and posts in lookbook as well..

One of my all time favorites... Tricia Gosingtian.
She's a photgrapher, model, blogger and such..

Half Filipino., half Japanese.
And should I say, I really admire her way of clothing. Herstyle, sense of fashion and all. Such a unique and cute one. MOre of a geekly chic actually most of the time. Even edgy at times..

Here's her blogsite!

and lookbook account:


With so much time to spend an too little things to do, I'm down to my last few remedies to ease boredom this very hot summer..

MOVIES!!! :3

I, Robot:
Will Smith. Yeah, Isn't really far from his usual roles on movies such as those in Men in Black and Hancock. as well as Bad boys less the fiction. Haha.
Another futuristic one, or kind of a fiction movie. Coz it's really is. Lols.
Mm. But it's cool. The thinking what if computers grow a mind of their own and betray human race like that.. I wonder how it'll be for us then..

Vintage movie. Lols. More of part of the classics. Haha. Typical probable ending of the Earth and heroes thingy doing what they can to prevent that from happening..
This movie touches my heart, by how much Bruce Willis stands up for his views in the movie. Really admiring.. <3

Real Steel:
Futuristic. Thinking if boxing's ever put to a higher level and be made like this..
That no one's going to get punched on the face and nothing but bots or machines will face and will fight for them..
Wonder how that'll turn out. ^_^
Aside from it, also gives a lesson to families. Inspiring in its own special way.. <3

more reviews, soon to come, yeah. :))) 


Since I've been missing my boyfie so much and days are getting harder the longer we're apart.. T_T

So I made this post for him. <3

He works as a cook in Schwyz, Switzerland. His mom works there as well..
And it'll take roughly 6months and a few days before we get to see each other again..
It's hard and long, but I believe in him, always looking forward to seeing and being with him again..

me and him, random photos. ^_^

makes me miss him even more.. T_T

We may argue about some things at times but it only shows we have differences as well and so we try to fix it and understand each other in any way possible..
I may fail to tell him at times just how much he means to me, but God knows it, and I hope he feels it well enough..

I love you my dear. :* <3

oh btw., check out his blog as well. :))